My scholarship focuses on representations of disability in early modern England




“Disability and the Work of Performance in Early Modern England,” in Performing Disability in Early Modern English Drama, ed. Leslie C. Dunn (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).

“‘Known and Feeling Sorrows: Disabled Knowledge and King Lear,” Early Theater 22.2 (2019): 157-70.

Dissembling Disability in Early Modern English Drama, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

“Crutches and Cripistemology in The Fair Maid of the Exchange,” in Object Oriented Environs, ed. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Julian Yates (Punctum Books, 2015), 113-21.

“Disability and Masculine Commerce in The Fair Maid of the Exchange,” Allegorica: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Literature 29 (2013): 88-105.

“Reading Batman, Writing X-Men: Superpowers and Disabilities in the First-Year Seminar,” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 15.3 (October 2015): 519-526.

“Antic Dispositions: Mental and Intellectual Disabilities in the EarlyModern Revenge Tragedy,” in Disabling the Renaissance: Recovering Early Modern Disability, ed. David Houston Wood and Allison P. Hobgood (Ohio State University Press, 2013): 73-87.

“‘The lying’st knave in Christendom’: The Development of Disability in the False Miracle of St. Alban’s,” Disability Studies Quarterly 29.4 (Fall 2009): n. pag. Web.


Conference presentations &
invited talks

“How Not to ‘Botch the Words Up to Fit [Our] Own Thoughts’: Intimacy Beyond Rhetoric in Early Modern Madness,” Modern Language Association, January 2024

“The Crone Wars: Gender Fluidity, Disability, and Old Age in Early Modern English Drama,” Early Modern Trans Drama, Wayne State University, October 2023

Invited lecturer, “Tattoos, Medievalism, and White Supremacy,” Nordic Northwest, Portland, OR, June 2023

“Knowledge, Able-bodiedness, and Carelessness in As You Like It,” Shakespeare Association of America, March 2023

Workshop co-leader, “Destabilizing Diagnosis: Gender, Power, and Early Modern Disability Studies,” Attending to Women, 1100-1800: Performance, The Newberry Library, October 2022

Invited lecturer, “Tattoos, Medievalism, and White Supremacy,” and “Beowulf’s ‘England,’” Museum of Danish America, Elk Horn, IA, July 2022

Seminar co-leader, “Shakespeare’s ‘Other Disability Plays’: Continued,” Shakespeare Association of America, 2021-2022

“Care & Able-bodiedness in As You Like It,” World Shakespeare Congress, July 2021

Invited speaker, Uncommon Bodies Seminar: “The Trajectories of Early Modern Disability Studies” and “Careless Arden: Able-bodiedness in Shakespeare’s As You Like It,” Macalester College and University of Minnesota, February 2021

Invited speaker, “Troilus and Cressida and the Problem of Proof,” London Shakespeare Seminar, Institute of English Studies, University of London, January 2021

Seminar co-leader, “Shakespeare’s ‘Other Disability Plays,’” Shakespeare Association of America, 2020-2021

Invited Respondent, “Intersectional Shakespeares” Seminar, organizers Allison P. Hobgood and Jonathan Hsu, Shakespeare Association of America, April 2019

Invited lecturer, “Tattoos, Medievalism, and White Supremacy,” Vesterhiem: The National Norwegian-American Museum, October 2019

“‘A Deformed and Scurrilous Grecian’?: Disability and Criticism in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida,” Shakespeare Association of America, March 2018

“An Introduction to The Fair Maid of the Exchange,” in honor of the opening night of The Fair Maid of the Exchange, Blackfriars Playhouse, American Shakespeare Center, Staunton, VA, March 2017

“Disabled Femininity and Feminized Disability in Early Modern English Drama,” Renaissance Society of America, April 2016

Invited commentator, “Episode 12: Romeo and Juliet through the Ages,” Shakespeare Unlimited podcast, Folger Podcasts, Folger Shakespeare Library, October 2014

“Deformity and Epic in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida,” Shakespeare Association of America, April 2015

“The Crutches in The Fair Maid of the Exchange,” Shakespeare Association of America, April 2014

“Medieval and Early Modern Disability I & II,” Session Co-Organizer and Co-Convener (with David Houston Wood), Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University, June 2013

“Distributive Justice, Charity, and Disability in Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair,” Shakespeare Association of America, March 2013

“‘Motley’s the only wear’: Clothing ‘Natural’ and ‘Artificial’ Fools,” Shakespeare Association of America, April 2012

“‘Here’s my passport, I have known the wars’: Disability and Geopolitics in the Renaissance,” Renaissance Society of America, March 2011

“Dramatic Disability: The Theatrical Function of the Nonstandard Body in Early Modern England,” Modern Language Association, December 2009

“The Performance of Disability and the Disabling of Performance in Richard III,” Shakespeare Association of America, April 2009


Ph.D. University of Iowa, Department of English, July 2011

Dissertation, “Dissembling Disability: Performances of the Nonstandard Body in Early Modern England,” directed by Huston Diehl & Claire Sponsler

M.A. University of Iowa, Department of English, May 2008, en passant

B.A. Greenville College, English, May 2004